裔锦声博士携家庭电影奖联手好莱坞圣诞大游行 - 中美友谊在民间

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11月26日下午,华语中国(英文:DYF Entertainment )CEO裔锦声博士Dr. Jeannie YI携家庭电影奖再次全力赞助加州政府和好莱坞市举办的年度最具规模和最热闹的好莱坞圣诞大游行!本次盛会,加州州长、好莱坞市长都争先恐后给华宇中国颁奖。加州总领馆25位官员集体参加本次活动,并在华宇中国定下的 “好莱坞奥斯卡颁奖典礼观摩大厅“与好莱坞明星和各界友好人士互动。In the afternoon of November 26th, Dr. Jeannie YI, CEO of DYF Entertainment brings her Family Film Awards once again fully sponsors the largest and most lively 2023 Hollywood Christmas Parade. This enthusiastic & grand parade was held by the California government and Hollywood City! At this grand event, the Governor of California and the Mayor of Hollywood were all eager to present awards to Dr. Jeannie YI. Totally 25 officials from the Consulate General of California collectively participated in this event and interacted with Hollywood celebrities and friendly individuals from all walks of life at the Hollywood Academy Awards Ceremony Observation Hall designated by DYF Entertainment.
裔锦声博士Dr Jeannie YI(左)与美国著名娱乐节目主持人 Montel Williams(右)好莱坞红毯闪亮登场
华语中国(英文:DYF Entertainment )CEO裔锦声博士Dr Jeannie YI有着两个第一美誉: 第一位在美国著名文学院获得比较文学博士的中国学子;第一位揣着文学博士文凭穿行华尔街的著名人力资源专家。凭着这两个第一:文学和金融的联姻,裔锦声博士在多个领域创造了辉煌的成就。Dr. Jeannie YI, CEO of DYF Entertainment, holds two top honors: The first Chinese student to obtain Dr. Degree in Comparative Literature from a renowned American literary school; The first renowned human resources expert active in Wall Street with a Dr. degree in literature. With the combination of two firsts: literature and finance, Dr. Jeannie YI has created brilliant achievements in multiple fields.

左:加州总领事郭大使;右:裔锦声博士 Dr. Jeannie YI

2020年,在全球疫情最严峻的时刻,著名影视集团华宇中国(英文:DYF Entertainment )美国CEO裔锦声博士 Dr. Jeannie YI看到了好莱坞家庭娱乐中“家庭”这一主题的重要性,毅然投资收购了当时已经有23年历史却并不太为众人知晓的第一个家庭电影奖。成为首位把中国“家文化”元素引入好莱坞心脏的杰出华裔女性。2024年1月27号,中国龙年的前夕,好莱坞家庭电影奖将在美国主流媒体,且号称“美国媒体航母亲”的CBS黄金时段播出两个小时。这既是全球娱乐市场的盛事,也是好莱坞的盛世!家庭电影奖引出好莱坞的颁奖季,中国人已经在好莱坞拥有受认可的主流电影奖项!In 2020, at the most severe time of the global pandemic, Dr. Jeannie YI, the CEO of the renowned film and television group DYF Entertainment in the United States, recognized the importance of the theme of "family" in Hollywood's home entertainment and resolutely invested & purchased the first home top film awards, the Family Film Awards(FFA) with Ms MA Xiaoqiu. Family Film Awards has a history of 23 years while does not well known to the public. Dr. Jeannie YI becomes the first outstanding Chinese-American female to introduce elements of Chinese "family culture" into the heart of Hollywood. On January 27, 2024, on the eve of the Year of the Dragon in China, the Hollywood Family Film Awards will broadcast for two hours during prime time on CBS, a mainstream American media platform known as the "Aircraft Carrier of America Media". This is not only a splendid event in the global entertainment market, but also a golden age in Hollywood! The Family Film Awards lead to Hollywood's award season, and Chinese people already have recognized mainstream film awards in Hollywood!

左:好莱坞圣诞大游行、艾美奖、家庭电影奖制作人- 大卫.麦肯锡;右:加州总领事郭大使

此外,裔锦声博士Dr. Jeannie YI还带领华宇中国团队,与好莱坞顶级娱乐公司、制作工作室和分销渠道建立了深厚的关系,并签下200个好莱坞经典电影的版权。早在2023年初,华宇中国制作了《拯救海洋》。电影解说员是大名鼎鼎的摩纳哥亲王Prince Albert。这是第二部在世界环保历史上举足轻重的纪录片,号召所有的地球人,为拯救我们赖以生存的海洋。为了让好莱坞与华人社区发生直接关系,华宇中国在美国东西部办了几十场走进社区促进中美人民文化传承交流和合作友好关系的活动,近期还由“小鬼当家“的制作人、著名好莱坞独立制片人斯哥特担纲拍摄反映华人二代在美国的生活剧、目前唱响华人世界的电影《缅街》。
In addition, Dr. Jeannie YI also led the DYF Entertainment team to establish deep relationships with top Hollywood entertainment companies, production studios, and distribution channels, and signed copyrights for 200 classic Hollywood movies. As early as early 2023, DYF Entertainment produced "Saving the Ocean". The movie commentator is the famous Prince Albert of Monaco. This is the second documentary that holds significant importance in the history of global environmental protection, calling on all people on Earth to save the oceans that we rely on for survival. In order to establish direct relations between Hollywood and the Chinese community, DYF Entertainment has organized dozens of activities in the eastern and western parts of the United States to promote cultural inheritance, exchange, and cooperation between the Chinese and American people. Recently, the producer of "Home Alone" and the famous independent Hollywood producer Scott have also taken on the role of filming a film reflecting the life of the second generation of Chinese-American in US, and especially the movie "Main Street".
裔锦声博士早在90年代为华尔街最赫赫有名的美国银行在东南亚开分行和搭建人才方队,将资金和人才合理配置在最有潜力的项目上,为改革开放中的中国引进海外资金,为中国企业进入美国搭建关系桥梁。据悉,其最大的收获包括将海尔集团写进哈弗商学院(全球畅销书《海尔之路》), 将家乡成都引进纽约,还将福克斯主题公园, 澳洲威秀影视和卡梅隆的特效公司引进中国,并将加拿大最大动漫公司 DHX和中国央视 CCTV签约播放250个少儿节目。该项目的签约被媒体称为“世纪签约“,由加拿大总理见证(2016 北京)。
Dr. Jeannie YI established branches and talent teams for the most famous Bank of America on Wall Street in Southeast Asia as early as the 1990s, allocating funds and talents reasonably in the most promising projects, introducing overseas funds for China's reform and opening up, and building a bridge of relationship for Chinese enterprises entering the United States. It is reported that its biggest gains include incorporating Haier Group into Harvard Business School (the global best-selling book "Haier's Road"), bringing her hometown Chengdu to New York, introducing Fox Theme Park, Australian Weixiu Film and Cameron's special effects companies to China, and promoting to sign a contract between Canada's largest animation company DHX and China Central Television (CCTV) to broadcast 250 children's programs. The signing of this project is known as the "Century Signing" by the media, witnessed by the Canadian Prime Minister (2016 Beijing).
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