To further enhance students' interest in English learning, consolidate and expand their vocabulary, Wuhan Optics Valley Experimental School (Grade Eight) held the spelling bee competition.More than 1800 students from 37 classes participated in English vocabulary competition. This activity has effectively motivated students' enthusiasm for learning English and encouraged them to study harder.
Let's see the excellent performance of the competitors.

初赛 Preliminary

This competition was divided into preliminary, semifinal and final. The preliminary competition was held in the classroom, and the top five students represented the class to take part in the semifinal. Where there is a will,there is a way. Fighting,competitors!

复赛 Semifinal

The semifinal was more exciting. The teachers reported the words. The competitors spelled it directly. Students with correct answers continued to compete while students with incorrect answers were eliminated. After a fierce competition, 50 students stood out and had the chance to win the crown of "Word of King".

决赛 Final

The final round, the best. Ms Wang hosted the final competition. All the winners gathered in the lecture hall. The teachers set the questions, and the competitors spelled together. If they got the correct answer, they continued. Finally, the Ten spelling bees were born.

颁奖环节 Award Ceremony

At the end of the competition, the Spelling Bee Competition award ceremony was held in the school lecture hall, enjoying a warm and energetic atmosphere. 10“Spelling Bees” were awarded certificates and gifts by Ms Wei. They took a group photo to commemorate the event.

The Spelling Bee Competition has come to an end, but the journey of English learning continues. Hopefully, all students can use words as their sails and ride the waves in their future English studies! Keep surpassing yourselves!

图片,美篇: 钟格,林恳