
大家好,我是丛台区东门外小学英语教师骈佳,今天我将以冀教版小学英语四年级下册Unit4 Lesson20My Favorite Clothes为例,与大家分享微能力点A5技术支持的课堂讲授。

In this step, I will greet to student and sing a song with them, then I’ll let them make a free talk.
Just like this:
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my class, and welcome to this fashion show. Before our class, let’s watch the video together. This song is about a fashion show. Now, let’s look at the picture. I want to ask you :What will you wear to the fashion show? May be the girls can wear beautiful dresses to the fashion show.
The purpose is to introduce the topic and let students be interested in this English class.
In this step, I will use a game to show students some words. These words are about clothes that they have learned last term. Then ask students: what clothes do you like ? At last, tell students today’s new lesson.
The purpose is to lead in the topic of this lesson and let students communicate in the real context.

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