2024深秋,师生踏足黄姚古镇,挥毫泼墨绘就千年古韵。In the late autumn of 2024, students with teachers embark on Huangyao Ancient Town, capturing its millennial charm through brushstrokes.
As high school students, our outdoor sketching is enviable, our works are eye-catching, and even the college students maijoring art are willing to stop their steps to enjoy and exchange with us.
白天,我们沐浴阳光,尽情写生,捕捉古镇的美好。夜晚,我们围坐一堂,分享作品,聆听导师的点评,收获成长。During the day, we bath in the sunshine, painting freely and capturing the beauty of the ancient town.In the evening, we sit around, sharing our works, listening to our tutors' comments as well as gaining growing experience.
画笔勾勒古镇风貌,色彩交融情感,独特视角捕捉黄姚神韵,画作中尽显我们对古镇的深刻见解与独特感悟。Through these works, we have not only presented the cultural and historical features but also expressed our deep feelings and profound insights for this unique town in our own perspectives.
幸福不忘来时路,刘书记讲座记心间,字字珠玑润心田。铭记历史风云变,艺术路上谱新篇。The lecture by Secretary Liu stays fresh in mind due to his every single word like a gem, nourishing our heart and soul. Remembering historical vicissitudes, we'll stride forward to write a new chapter on our art road in the future.
写生之旅将落幕,时光匆忙却欢畅。师者漫步古镇,悠享闲暇,蓄力待发。黄姚赐福,美景如画,成我校写生首选乐园。古镇筑桥,连接黄姚与艺高。The sketching trip winds down, and time flies yet joy abounds. We wander the ancient town, leisurely recharging for future endeavors. Huangyao provides us with scenic views, a paradise for our paiting. The ancient town has become a bridge, connecting Zhuhai Art Senior High School with lasting friendship.
黄姚,我们愿做您美的传播者,将您的风采传遍四方。也请您请关注我们,珠海艺术高中——未来艺术家的温馨摇篮。在这里,创意飞扬,才华绽放。欢迎大家评论区留言,继续编织艺术梦想。Huangyao, it's a great honor for us to be your cultural messangers, spreading your eternal beauty. Simultaneously, please follow us, Zhuhai Art High School—a cozy cradle for ambitious artists, where you can feel that creativity soars and talents bloom. At last, warm comments and suggestions are welcome here to co-compose our art visions.