"纸上谈兵"这个成语的典故源自《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》。故事的主人公是赵括,他是战国时期赵国名将赵奢的儿子。赵括自小学习兵法,谈起军事理论来头头是道,甚至能与父亲赵奢辩论而不落下风。然而,赵奢并不认为赵括真正理解战争的实质,他认为赵括只是纸上谈兵,缺乏实战经验,不能灵活应变 。
公元前260年,秦国与赵国在长平发生激战。赵国初战失利后,由廉颇主将,他采取坚守策略,避免与秦军正面硬拼。但赵孝成王急于求胜,听信秦国散布的谣言,认为秦国最怕赵括,于是用赵括替换了廉颇。赵括到前线后,完全改变了廉颇的策略,轻率地任用军官,按照兵书上的理论行事,结果中了秦军的埋伏。赵军四十余万被俘,后被秦将白起设计坑杀,赵国因此元气大伤,不久后被秦国所灭 。
The idiom “Paper talk” originates from “Records of the Grand
Historian·Lian Po and Lin Xiangru Biographies”. The protagonist of the story is
Zhao Kuo, the son of Zhao She, a famous general of the State of Zhao during the
Warring States period. Zhao Kuo learned military strategy from a young age and
was very good at talking about military theories, and could even debate with
his father Zhao She without losing. However, Zhao She did not believe that Zhao
Kuo truly understood the essence of war, and thought that Zhao Kuo was only
engaged in paper talk, lacking practical experience and unable to adapt
flexibly.In 260 BC, a fierce battle between Qin and Zhao took place in Changping.
After the initial defeat of Zhao, Lian Po, the general in chief, adopted a
strategy of defense and avoided a head-on confrontation with the Qin army.
However, King Xiaocheng of Zhao was eager for victory and believed the rumors
spread by Qin, thinking that Qin was most afraid of Zhao Kuo, so he replaced
Lian Po with Zhao Kuo. After Zhao Kuo arrived at the front line, he completely
changed Lian Po’s strategy, casually appointed officers, and acted according to
the theories in the military books, and as a result, he fell into an ambush by
the Qin army. More than 400,000 Zhao soldiers were captured and later
slaughtered by Bai Qi, the Qin general, causing Zhao to be severely weakened
and soon conquered by Qin.The idiom “Paper
talk” is used to describe those who can only talk about theories but cannot
solve practical problems. It emphasizes the importance of combining theory and
practice, reminding people that when facing practical problems, they need to
think more, talk less, and take more action and rely less on theory.