作者 张伟钦
如果说我现在有什么感受,那么我明确告诉你,习惯了。人的心总是随着时间在变化,基本上是这样一个规律(热力学温标)(t+273)K=(0 摄氏度+273)—(37摄氏度+273)K。从冷到热,从生到熟,完成这一套规律大约需要一天时间。
现已在St Mark ‘s 里呆了两天。总共只有5天,那就去珍惜吧,我想我一辈子也忘不了这个世外桃源了。
上午第一节是Digital Technology,类似于中国的电脑课。我们与电脑进行了“亲密接触”。我渐渐意识到,这其实和我们那儿的信息技术课没有什么区别。既然没区别,那就放手去做吧!不一会儿,一个个鲜活又生动的单词出现在我的笔记本中和口中。Australian电脑老师好厉害也挺有意思的,我这个英语低手居然听得津津有味。We have little rest, then we have a science class.是关于热胀冷缩的物理学知识。
今天,我几乎没使用手机。下午放学时我们的澳大利亚老师对我们说了一段语气严厉的话。她说,进入校园请放下手机,认真听课,大胆交流。Put down your phone and communicate confidently. 我感觉,今天的交流能力有了很大提高,我和澳洲的同学交流几乎没什么障碍了。我已经习惯了。
Today I felt very warm and moved
作者 周茹涵
Sally gave me two pieces of bread and some strawberries, jams for breakfast, which were very delicious. Then we went to school.
We went to the international room first. There we met our teachers. The first class was digital technology. I didn’t really understand what the last question meant, so I looked up in the phone.
The next class was history. I knew little about the history of Australia. Luckily, my Australian friends helped me. I was so happy to make friends with them.
In the afternoon, we play rugby. It was really fun and I liked playing it very much. At last, our team won.
Today is my birthday. Mr Lian bought a birthday cake for me and all the teachers and friends sang the birthday song for me.
Happy birthday to me! I felt tired but happy.