• 春季:
• 立春(Spring Begins)
• 雨水(Rain Water)
• 惊蛰(Awakening of Insects)
• 春分(Spring Equinox)
• 清明(Pure Brightness)
• 谷雨(Grain Rain)
• 夏季:
• 立夏(Summer Begins)
• 小满(Grain Filling)
• 芒种(Grain in Ear)
• 夏至(Summer Solstice)
• 小暑(Minor Heat)
• 大暑(Major Heat)
• 秋季:
• 立秋(Autumn Begins)
• 处暑(End of Heat)
• 白露(White Dew)
• 秋分(Autumn Equinox)
• 寒露(Cold Dew)
• 霜降(Frost's Descent)
• 冬季:
• 立冬(Winter Begins)
• 小雪(Minor Snow)
• 大雪(Major Snow)
• 冬至(Winter Solstice)
• 小寒(Minor Cold)
• 大寒(Major Cold)
立春 Spring Begins
• 春季的开始,太阳直射点穿过赤道,昼夜平分。万物复苏,生机勃勃。
• The beginning of spring, the sun's direct rays cross the equator, and day and night are of equal length. All things come to life, and vitality is everywhere.
雨水 Rain Water
• 春雨绵绵,滋润万物。此时,气温回升,降水增多,有利于农作物生长。
• The spring rain is continuous, moistening all things. At this time, the temperature rises, precipitation increases, and it is beneficial for crop growth.
惊蛰 Awakening of Insects
• 春雷始鸣,万物复苏。蛰伏了一冬的昆虫开始苏醒,大地焕发生机。
• The spring thunder begins to rumble, and all things come back to life. Insects that have been dormant for a winter begin to awaken, and the earth is full of vitality.
春分 Spring Equinox
• 春季的中间,太阳直射点位于赤道上,昼夜平分。此时,气温适宜,万物生长旺盛。
• The middle of spring, the sun's direct rays are located on the equator, and day and night are of equal length. At this time, the temperature is suitable, and all things grow vigorously.
清明 Pure Brightness
• 万物清澈明亮,生机盎然。此时,天气晴朗,春光明媚,是踏青郊游的好时节。
• All things are clear and bright, and full of vitality. At this time, the weather is晴朗, the spring light is bright, and it is a good time for outings and郊游.
谷雨 Grain Rain
• 春雨连绵,滋润禾苗。此时,气温升高,降水增多,有利于水稻等农作物生长。
• The spring rain is continuous, moistening the rice seedlings. At this time, the temperature rises, precipitation increases, and it is beneficial for the growth of rice and other crops.
立夏 Summer Begins
• 夏季的开始,太阳直射点到达北回归线,白天最长,黑夜最短。此时,气温炎热,万物生长旺盛。
• The beginning of summer, the sun's direct rays reach the Tropic of Cancer, the day is the longest, and the night is the shortest. At this time, the temperature is hot, and all things grow vigorously.
小满 Grain Filling
• 麦子等夏粮开始灌浆饱满。此时,气温较高,降水较少,有利于农作物生长。
• Summer grains such as wheat begin to fill and mature. At this time, the temperature is relatively high and there is less precipitation, which is beneficial for crop growth.
芒种 Grain in Ear
• 麦子等夏粮开始结穗。此时,气温炎热,降水较多,有利于农作物生长。
• Summer grains such as wheat begin to head. At this time, the temperature is hot and there is more precipitation, which is beneficial for crop growth.
夏至 Summer Solstice
• 夏季的中间,太阳直射点位于北回归线上,白天最长,黑夜最短。此时,气温最高,万物生长旺盛。
• The middle of summer, the sun's direct rays are located on the Tropic of Cancer, the day is the longest, and the night is the shortest. At this time, the temperature is the highest, and all things grow vigorously.
小暑 Minor Heat
• 夏季的第一个小暑,天气炎热,但还没有达到最热的时候。此时,气温较高,降水较少,有利于农作物生长。
• The first minor heat of summer, the weather is hot, but it has not yet reached the hottest time. At this time, the temperature is relatively high and there is less precipitation, which is beneficial for crop growth.
大暑 Major Heat
• 夏季的第二个小暑,天气炎热,达到一年中的最高点。此时,气温最高,降水较少,不利于农作物生长。
• The second minor heat of summer, the weather is hot and reaches the highest point of the year. At this time, the temperature is the highest and there is less precipitation, which is不利于 crop growth.
立秋 Autumn Begins
• 秋季的开始,太阳直射点穿过赤道,昼夜平分。此时,气温下降,万物开始凋零。
• The beginning of autumn, the sun's direct rays cross the equator, and day and night are of equal length. At this time, the temperature drops, and all things begin to wither.
处暑 End of Heat
• 暑气消退,天气凉爽。此时,气温下降,降水减少,有利于农作物成熟。
• The summer heat subsides, and the weather is cool. At this time, the temperature drops, precipitation decreases, and it is beneficial for crops to mature.
白露 White Dew
• 清晨草木上出现露珠。此时,气温下降,空气中水汽凝结成露珠。
• Dew appears on the grass and trees in the early morning. At this time, the temperature drops, and the water vapor in the air condenses into dew.
秋分 Autumn Equinox
• 秋季的中间,太阳直射点位于赤道上,昼夜平分。此时,气温适宜,万物成熟。
• The middle of autumn, the sun's direct rays are located on the equator, and day and night are of equal length. At this time, the temperature is suitable, and all things mature.
寒露 Cold Dew
• 露水寒冷,天气转凉。此时,气温下降,降水减少,有利于农作物收获。
• The dew is cold, and the weather turns cooler. At this time, the temperature drops, precipitation decreases, and it is beneficial for crops to be harvested.
霜降 Frost's Descent
• 霜降,天气寒冷,开始有霜冻。此时,气温下降,降水减少,农作物收获完毕。
• Frost falls, the weather is cold, and frost begins to form. At this time, the temperature drops, precipitation decreases, and crops are harvested.
立冬 Winter Begins
• 冬季的开始,太阳直射点到达南回归线,白天最短,黑夜最长。此时,气温寒冷,万物萧条。
• The beginning of winter, the sun's direct rays reach the Tropic of Capricorn, the day is the shortest, and the night is the longest. At this time, the temper
小雪 Minor Snow
• 开始下雪,但雪量不大。此时,气温寒冷,降水减少,有利于农作物越冬。
• It starts to snow, but the snowfall is not heavy. At this time, the temperature is cold, precipitation decreases, and it is beneficial for crops to overwinter.
大雪 Major Snow
• 雪量大,天气寒冷。此时,气温最低,降水较少,不利于农作物生长。
• The snowfall is heavy, and the weather is cold. At this time, the temperature is the lowest, there is less precipitation, and it is不利于 crop growth.
冬至 Winter Solstice
• 冬季的中间,太阳直射点位于南回归线上,白天最短,黑夜最长。此时,气温最低,万物萧条。
• The middle of winter, the sun's direct rays are located on the Tropic of Capricorn, the day is the shortest, and the night is the longest. At this time, the temperature is the lowest, and all things are蕭条.
小寒 Minor Cold
• 冬季的第一个小寒,天气寒冷,但还没有达到最冷的时候。此时,气温较低,降水较少,有利于农作物越冬。
• The first minor cold of winter, the weather is cold, but it has not yet reached the coldest time. At this time, the temperature is relatively low and there is less precipitation, which is beneficial for crops to overwinter.
大寒 Major Cold
• 冬季的第二个小寒,天气寒冷,达到一年中的最低点。此时,气温最低,降水较少,不利于农作物生长。
• The second minor cold of winter, the weather is cold and reaches the lowest point of the year. At this time, the temperature is the lowest and there is less precipitation, which is不利于 crop growth.