The Tiger and the Fox 狐假虎威
One day , a tiger was looking for something to eat in the forest . Suddenly he met a fox and caught him .
The tiger said ," I ' m hungry . I will eat you up ."
The fox said ," No , you can ' t . Because I am the king of the animals ."
" Really ? I don ' t think so ." said the tiger .
" You don ' t believe me ? Let ' s go and try ." said the fox .
Then they went for a walk in the forest . All the animals ran away when they saw the tiger and the fox .
" Oh , you are right . You are really the king of the animals . All the animals are afraid of you ." said the tiger . Then he went away . The fox laughed ," The tiger is so stupid . In fact , the animals are afraid of him , not me !"