“ 纸上得来终觉浅 ,绝知此事要躬行。” 英 语 ,不仅是文字的艺术 ,更是我们探索世界 、与世界对话的重要桥梁。为了丰富校园文化 ,点燃经外学子英语的学习热情 ,4月11日晚举办了八年级首届英语演讲比赛。
"Theoretical knowledge is superficial; only through practice can one truly understand." English is not just the art of language but also an important bridge for us to explore and communicate with the world. In order to enrich the campus culture, ignite the enthusiasm of students for learning English, Grade Eight of Jingkai Foreign Language School held the first speech competition on April 11th .
The English Speech Contest was divided into
four captivating chapters. Now, let's revisit those wonderful moments together.
Chapter One 初赛篇
“ 春风得意马蹄疾 ,一日看尽长安花。”在经外,每个孩子都有机会站在舞台的最中央,展现自己的风采。初赛于三月下旬在各班如火如荼地展开,其独特之处在于全员参与,在备赛过程中,每位孩子不断挖掘潜能,挑战自我,不仅提升了英语听说和演讲能力,更在自我挑战中收获了成长。
"In the spring breeze, the horse gallops swiftly; in a day, one can admire all the flowers in Chang'an." At JKFLS, every child has the opportunity to stand in the center of the stage and showcase their elegance. The preliminary contest took place in late March in each class with great enthusiasm. Its uniqueness lies in the full participation of all students. During the preparation process, each child continuously explored their potential, challenged themselves, and not only improved their English listening, speaking, and public speaking skills, but also grew through self-challenge.
Chapter Two 决赛篇
“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。”2024 年 4 月 11 日,决赛在星海大剧院隆重举行,选手们从“我的家乡”、“中国节日”、“未来随想”、“寒假见闻 ”四个主题出发,各展所长。他们的演讲或慷慨激昂 ,或深情款款 ,无不展现出高超的英语口语水平和积极向上的精神面貌。比赛现场掌声不断响起,观众们享受了一场视觉、听觉和心灵的盛宴。
"Though a thousand times washed, the gold is never dull; only after the wild sands are blown away does the gold reveal its shine." On April 11, 2024, the finals were held grandly at the Xinghai Grand Theater. Contestants, starting from the themes of "My Hometown" "Chinese Traditional Festivals" "My wandering in the future" and "My Winter Vacation", showcased their talents. Their speeches were either passionate or tender, all demonstrating excellent English speaking skills and a positive spirit. Applause constantly echoed throughout the competition venue, and the audience enjoyed a feast for the eyes, ears, and soul.
Chapter Three 综合素养篇
"Why is the water in the canal so clear? It's because it has a source of living water." This speech contest was not only a linguistic competition but also a demonstration of comprehensive literacy. "Education without activities is pale education." Children extended textbook knowledge to activities outside of the classroom, putting what they learned into practice, promoting learning through application. Knowledge and action are integrated and complement each other.
开场舞《Good Time 》 由八年级各班同学组成的舞蹈天团,特邀嘉宾彭鹏飞主任和学唱英语歌特色课的同学现场倾情演绎 。
The opening dance, "Good Time", was performed by a dance troupe composed of students from each class of the eighth grade. They were joined by special guests Director Peng Pengfei and students from the English singing class, who gave a passionate performance on stage.
《后妈茶话会》节目更是将晚会推向了高潮 ,来自八年级特色课英语趣配音和学唱英语歌孩子们自编自导自演,全员参与,展现了极高的创造力和团队协作精神。
The show "Tough love" pushed the evening to its climax. It was a self-directed and performed skit by students from the eighth-grade English dubbing and English singing classes, showcasing their high creativity and teamwork.
互动环节也是精彩纷呈,“脑筋急转弯 ”、“ 听歌识曲 ”、“知识竞猜 ” 等互动游戏让台下同学们也积极参与其中 ,同时也展现了台下同学们高超的英语水平和能力。
The interactive games were also exciting and diverse, like "Brain Teasers," "Guess the Song," and "Fun Thursday Jeopardy," which engaged the audience actively. These games also showcased the audience's excellent English skills and abilities.
Chapter Four 荣誉时刻篇
"In the most beautiful April, colors compete for beauty." The contestants displayed the elegance of students in JKFLS and the infinite charm of English with fluent English and vivid expressions. Congratulations to all the winners!
“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。” 在大合唱《The Nights》的激昂旋律中,本届演讲比赛圆满落幕。整场晚会气氛热烈非凡,孩子们在欢乐的海洋中尽情畅游。经外的学子们在这片沃土上不断磨砺自己、勇往直前,让青春的翅膀在奋斗中更加坚强有力,让我们一起期待明年的英语演讲比赛。
"Sometimes, one must brave the wind and waves; only then can they sail across the vast sea." With the spirited melody of the grand chorus "The Nights," this year's speech contest came to a successful conclusion. The atmosphere throughout the evening was exceptionally warm, and the children enjoyed themselves in the ocean of joy. The students of JKFLS constantly hone themselves and forge ahead on this fertile soil, making their youthful wings stronger and more powerful in the struggle. Let us look forward to next year's English speech contest together.
策划 I 经外八年级英语组
文案 I 李杏
图片视频编辑 I 李佳
审核 I 刘梦霞 杨翠菊
图片视频拍摄 I 经外信宣部