(FT -高铁)高铁站相关词汇、句子、亲子模拟日常场景英文对话参考。

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小西妈双语工程 小西妈双语工程
高铁站 high-speed rail station
英文解释:a place where high-speed trains stop for passengers to get on and off, or for goods to be loaded or unloaded.
例句:The new high-speed rail station will reduce the travel time between the two cities by half. 新的高铁站将把两个城市之间的旅行时间缩短一半。
售票处 ticket office
英文解释:a place at a train station or a high-speed rail station where you can buy or exchange tickets.
例句:You can buy your ticket at the ticket office or online. 你可以在售票处或者网上买票。
自助机 self-service machine
英文解释:a device at a train station or a high-speed rail station that allows you to buy or collect tickets by yourself.
例句:You can use the self-service machine to collect your tickets if you have booked them online. 如果你已经在网上订了票,你可以用自助机取票。
身份证 ID card
英文解释:a document that proves your identity, usually containing your name, photo, date of birth, etc.
例句:You need to show your ID card when you buy or collect your train tickets. 你买或者取火车票的时候需要出示你的身份证。
护照 passport
英文解释:a document that proves your nationality and identity, usually containing your name, photo, date of birth, etc., used for international travel.
例句:You need to bring your passport if you want to travel abroad by train. 如果你想坐火车出国旅行,你需要带上你的护照。
进站口 entrance[ˈentrəns] 
英文解释:a place where you enter a train station or a high-speed rail station, usually requiring you to show your ticket and ID card or passport.
例句:Please have your ticket and ID card or passport ready at the entrance. 请在进站口准备好你的票和身份证或者护照。
安检 security check
英文解释:a safety inspection that takes place after you enter a train station or a high-speed rail station, usually requiring you to put your luggage on a conveyor [kənˈveɪə]  belt and walk through a metal detector.
例句:Please follow the signs and the staff’s instructions for the security check. 请跟随标志和工作人员的指示进行安检。
电梯 elevator
英文解释:a device that transports people or goods vertically from one floor to another.
例句:You can take the elevator to the second floor where the waiting room is. 你可以乘电梯到二楼,那里是候车室。
候车室 waiting room
英文解释:a place at a train station or a high-speed rail station where you wait for your train, usually having seats, electronic screens, broadcasts, etc.
例句:You can sit down and relax in the waiting room until they announce your train is ready for boarding. 你可以在候车室坐下来放松,直到他们宣布你的火车准备好登机了。
检票口 gate
英文解释:a place at a train station or a high-speed rail station where you go from the waiting room to the platform, usually requiring you to show your ticket and ID card or passport.
例句:Please have your ticket and ID card or passport ready at the gate. 请在检票口准备好你的票和身份证或者护照。
站台 platform
英文解释:a place at a train station or a high-speed rail station where you get on or off the train, usually having signs showing different train numbers, departure times, destinations, etc.
例句:Please follow the signs and go to the right platform for your train. 请跟随标志并且去你的火车对应的站台。
车厢 carriage
英文解释:a section of a train or a high-speed rail, usually having different seat types, such as hard seat, soft seat, hard sleeper, soft sleeper, etc.
例句:Please find your carriage number and seat number on your ticket and go there. 请在你的票上找到你的车厢号和座位号,去那里。
车次 train number
英文解释:a code of a train or a high-speed rail, usually consisting of letters and numbers, indicating different types, routes, directions, etc.
例句:Please check your train number on your ticket and on the electronic screen or the paper board. 请在你的票和电子屏幕或者纸质牌子上核对你的车次。
出发时间 departure time [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] 
英文解释:the time when a train or a high-speed rail leaves a train station or a high-speed rail station, usually expressed in the 24-hour system.
例句:Please check your departure time on your ticket and on the electronic screen or the paper board. 请在你的票和电子屏幕或者纸质牌子上核对你的出发时间。
目的地 destination[ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən] 
英文解释:the place where a train or a high-speed rail is going to, usually the name of a city or a train station or a high-speed rail station.
例句:Please check your destination on your ticket and on the electronic screen or the paper board. 请在你的票和电子屏幕或者纸质牌子上核对你的目的地。
出站口 exit['eksɪt] 
英文解释:a place where you leave a train station or a high-speed rail station, usually requiring you to show your ticket and ID card or passport.
例句:Please have your ticket and ID card or passport ready at the exit. 请在出站口准备好你的票和身份证或者护照。
售票员 ticket seller
英文解释:a staff member who sells tickets at the ticket office of a train station or a high-speed rail station.
例句:You can ask the ticket seller for the train schedule and the ticket price. 你可以向售票员询问火车时刻表和票价。
亲子讨论:Daddy, who is that person behind the window? 爸爸,窗口后面的那个人是谁?
That is the ticket seller. He or she can help us buy train tickets. 那是售票员。他或者她可以帮助我们买火车票。
检票员 ticket checker
英文解释:a staff member who is responsible for checking passengers’ tickets and ID cards or passports at a train station or a high-speed rail station or on a train or a high-speed rail.
例句:Please wait for the ticket checker to come to you and show him or her your ticket and ID card or passport. 请等待检票员来到你跟前,并且给他或者她看你的票和身份证或者护照。
亲子讨论:Mommy, who is that person wearing a uniform? 妈妈,那个穿制服的人是谁?
That is the ticket checker. He or she can check our tickets and tell us some information or instructions. 那是检票员。他或者她可以检查我们的票并且告诉我们一些信息或者指示。
安检员 security officer
英文解释:a staff member who is responsible for checking passengers and luggage for any dangerous items or substances at the security check of a train station or a high-speed rail station.
例句:Please follow the signs and the security officer’s instructions for the security check. 请跟随标志和安检员的指示进行安检。
亲子讨论:Daddy, who is that person holding a scanner? 爸爸,那个拿着扫描仪的人是谁?
That is the security officer. He or she can scan our luggage and our body for any dangerous items or substances. 那是安检员。他或者她可以扫描我们的行李和我们的身体是否有任何危险的物品。
列车长 train conductor
英文解释:a staff member who is in charge of managing the whole train or high-speed rail on board, usually wearing a uniform and a distinctive hat.
例句:Please listen to the train conductor’s announcement for any updates or changes about our train. 请听列车长的广播,了解关于我们的火车的任何更新或者变化。
亲子讨论:Mommy, who is that person wearing a hat? 妈妈,那个戴着帽子的人是谁?
That is the train conductor. He or she can manage the whole train and help us with any problems or questions. 那是列车长。他或者她管理整列火车并且帮助我们解决任何问题或者疑问。
乘务员 attendant
英文解释:a staff member who is responsible for serving passengers on board a train or a high-speed rail, usually wearing a uniform and a badge.
例句:You can ask the attendant for some water or snacks if you are thirsty or hungry. 如果你渴了或者饿了,你可以向乘务员要一些水或者零食。
亲子讨论:Daddy, who is that person carrying a tray? 爸爸,那个拿着托盘的人是谁?
That is the attendant. He or she can provide us with some water or snacks or other services. 那是乘务员。他或者她可以提供给我们一些水或者零食或者其他服务。

买票 Buy tickets

亲子对话:Mommy, where are we going? 妈妈,我们要去哪里?
We are going to visit grandma in Beijing. We need to buy train tickets first. 我们要去北京看奶奶。我们先要买火车票。
How do we buy train tickets? 我们怎么买火车票?
We can buy them online, on the phone, or at the ticket office. 我们可以在网上,电话上,或者在售票处买。
Which one is faster and easier? 哪一个更快更容易?
I think buying online is faster and easier. We can choose the train number, the date, the time, and the seat type. 我觉得在网上买更快更容易。我们可以选择车次,日期,时间,和座位类型。
OK, I see. Can I help you buy tickets online? 好的,我明白了。我可以帮你在网上买票吗?
Sure, you can. But you need to be careful and follow the instructions. 当然,你可以。但是你需要小心并遵循指示。

取票 Collect tickets

亲子对话:Mommy, we have bought the tickets online. Do we need to print them? 妈妈,我们已经在网上买了票。我们需要打印出来吗?
No, we don’t need to print them. We can collect them at the train station. 不,我们不需要打印。我们可以在火车站取票。
How do we collect[kəˈlekt]  them? 我们怎么取票?
We need to go to the ticket window or the self-service machine. We need to show our ID cards or passports and our booking number. 我们需要去售票窗口或者自助机。我们需要出示我们的身份证或者护照和我们的预订号码。
Which one is faster and easier? 哪一个更快更容易?
I think using the self-service machine is faster and easier. We can scan our ID cards or passports and enter [ˈentə]  our booking number. 我觉得使用自助机更快更容易。我们可以扫描我们的身份证或者护照并输入我们的预订号码。
OK, I see. Can I help you collect tickets at the self-service machine? 好的,我明白了。我可以帮你在自助机取票吗?
Sure, you can.  当然可以。

进站 Enter the station

亲子对话:Mommy, we have collected the tickets. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经取了票。我们接下来做什么?
We need to enter the station. We need to show our tickets and our ID cards or passports at the entrance [ˈentrəns] . 我们需要进站。我们需要在入口处出示我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照。
Why do we need to show them? 为什么我们需要出示车票?
Because they need to check our identity and our train information. They need to make sure we have the right tickets and we are not dangerous. 因为他们需要核对我们的身份和我们的火车信息。他们需要确保我们有票和我们不是危险的(人)。
How do we show them? 我们怎么出示车票?
We need to hold our tickets and our ID cards or passports in our hands. We need to let the staff scan them or look at them. 我们需要把我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照拿在手里。让工作人员扫描它们或者检查它们。
OK, I understand. Can I help you show them? 好的,我明白了。我可以帮你出示车票?
Sure, you can. But you need to be careful and follow the instructions. 当然可以。

安检 Security check

亲子对话:Mommy, we have entered the station. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经进站了。我们接下来做什么?
We need to go through the security check. We need to put our luggage on the conveyor [kənˈveɪə]  belt and walk through the metal detector. 我们需要通过安检。我们需要把我们的行李放在传送带上,然后走过金属探测器。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要那样做?
Because they need to check if we have any dangerous items or substances[ˈsʌbstəns]  in our luggage or on our body. They need to make sure we are safe and follow the rules. 因为他们需要检查我们的行李或者身上是否有任何危险的物品。他们需要确保我们是安全的并且遵守规则。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to follow the signs and the staff’s instructions. We need to take off any metal objects, such as belts, watches, or jewelry, before we walk through the metal detector. We need to wait until they tell us to take our luggage and go. 我们需要跟随标志和工作人员的指示。我们需要在走过金属探测器之前脱掉任何金属物品,比如皮带,手表,或者首饰。我们需要等到他们告诉我们可以拿走我们的行李并且离开。
OK, I see. 好的,我明白了。

查看候车室信息 Check the waiting room information

亲子对话:Mommy, we have passed the security check. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经通过了安检。我们接下来做什么?
We need to check the waiting room information. We need to find out which waiting room is for our train and go there. 我们需要查看候车室信息。我们需要找出哪个候车室是我们车次的,并且去那里。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要那样做?
Because different trains have different waiting rooms. We need to go to the right waiting room so that we can board our train on time. 因为不同的火车有不同的候车室。我们需要去指定候车室,这样我们才能及时登上我们的火车。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to look at the electronic [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk] screen or the paper board. We need to find our train number, departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)] time, and destination [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn]. We need to see which waiting room is assigned [əˈsaɪn] for our train and follow the signs to go there. 我们需要看电子屏幕或者纸质牌子。我们需要找到我们的车次,出发时间,和目的地。我们需要看哪个候车室是对应到我们的火车的,并且跟随标志去那里。
OK, I see. 我明白了。

候车 Wait for the train

亲子对话:Mommy, we have arrived at the waiting room. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经到了候车室。我们接下来做什么?
We need to wait for the train. We need to sit down and relax until they announce [əˈnaʊns] our train is ready for boarding. 我们需要坐在这里等火车到来。休息一下,等车站来通知我们准备检票。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们要这样做?
Because we need to save our energy . 因为我们需要保存体力。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to find a seat and sit down. We need to keep an eye on our luggage and our tickets. We need to listen to the broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] or look at the screen for any updates or changes about our train. 我们需要找一个座位并且坐下来。我们需要注意我们的行李和我们的票。我们需要听广播或者看屏幕,了解关于我们的火车的任何更新或者变化。
OK, I understand. 好的,我明白了。

排队检票 Line up for ticket checking

亲子对话:Mommy, they have announced our train is ready for boarding. What do we do next? 妈妈,他们已经宣布我们的火车准备好登机了。我们接下来做什么?
We need to line up for ticket checking. We need to go to the gate and show our tickets and our ID cards or passports to the staff. 我们需要排队检票。我们需要去检票口,并且给工作人员看我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要做?
Because we need to prove that we have the right tickets and we are the right passengers. We need to make sure we don’t miss our train or get on the wrong train. 因为我们需要证明我们是这趟列车的乘客。我们需要确保我们不要错过我们的火车或者上错火车。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to follow the signs and the staff’s instructions. We need to hold our tickets and our ID cards or passports in our hands. We need to let the staff scan them or look at them. We need to wait until they tell us to go through the gate and go to the platform. 我们需要跟随标志和工作人员的指示。我们需要把我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照拿在手里。我们需要让工作人员扫描它们或者看它们。我们需要等到他们告诉我们通过检票口并且去站台。
OK, I see. 好的,我明白了。

查看站台信息 Check the platform information

亲子对话:Mommy, we have passed the ticket checking. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经通过了检票。我们接下来做什么?
We need to check the platform information. We need to find out which platform is for our train and go there. 我们需要查看站台信息。我们需要找出哪个站台是我们的火车停靠的并且去那里。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要做?
Because different trains have different platforms. We need to go to the right platform so that we can get on our train easily and safely. 因为不同的火车有不同的站台。我们需要去正确的站台,这样我们才能轻松安全地上我们的火车。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to look at the electronic screen or the paper board. We need to find our train number, departure time, and destination. We need to see which platform is assigned for our train and follow the signs to go there. 我们需要看电子屏幕或者纸质牌子。我们需要找到我们的车次,出发时间,和目的地。我们需要看哪个站台是我们这趟列车的停靠点,并且跟随标志去那里。
OK, I see.  好的,我明白了。

上车厢 Board the carriage

亲子对话:Mommy, we have arrived at the platform. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经到了站台。我们接下来做什么?
We need to board the carriage. We need to find our carriage number and seat number and go there. 我们需要进车厢,然后找到我们的车厢号和座位号。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要做?
Because different passengers have different carriages and seats. We need to go to our assigned carriage and seat so that we can sit comfortably and avoid any conflicts or confusion. 因为不同的乘客有不同的车厢和座位。我们需要去我们车票上标注的车厢和座位,这样我们才能舒适地坐下并且避免任何冲突或者混乱。
How do we do that? 我们要怎么做?
We need to look at our tickets and find our carriage number and seat number. We need to follow the signs and the staff’s instructions. We need to find our carriage and get on it. We need to find our seat and put our luggage in the right place. 我们需要看我们的票,找到我们的车厢号和座位号。我们需要跟随标志和工作人员的指示。我们需要找到我们的车厢并且上去。我们需要找到我们的座位并且把我们的行李放在正确的地方。
OK, I see. 好的,我知道了。

查票 Check the ticket

亲子对话:Mommy, we have boarded the carriage and found our seats. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经上了车厢并且找到了我们的座位。我们接下来做什么?
We need to wait for the ticket checker. We need to show our tickets and our ID cards or passports to him or her. 我们需要等待检票员。我们需要给他或者她看我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么我们需要做?
Because they need to check if we have the right tickets and we are the right passengers. They need to make sure we are on the right train and we are not dangerous. 因为他们需要检查我们是这趟列车的乘客。他们需要确保我们是安全的并且没有乘错车。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to keep our tickets and our ID cards or passports with us. We need to wait until they come to us and ask for them. We need to give them our tickets and our ID cards or passports politely and patiently. We need to wait until they return them to us and tell us some information or instructions. 我们需要把我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照带在身边。我们需要等到他们来到我们跟前并且要求它们。我们需要礼貌耐心地给他们我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照。我们需要等到他们还给我们并且告诉我们一些信息或者指示。
OK, I understand. Can I help you do that? 好的,我明白了。

出站 Exit the station

亲子对话:Mommy, we have arrived at our destination. What do we do next? 妈妈,我们已经到了我们的目的地。我们接下来做什么?
We need to exit the station. We need to take our luggage and follow the crowd. 我们需要出站。我们需要拿上我们的行李并且跟着人流走。
Why do we need to do that? 为什么?
Because we need to leave the train and the station. We need to go to our next place or meet our relatives or friends. 因为我们需要离开火车和火车站。我们需要去我们的下一个地方或者见我们的亲戚或者朋友。
How do we do that? 我们怎么做?
We need to follow the signs and the staff’s instructions. We need to find the exit and go through it. We need to show our tickets and our ID cards or passports if they ask for them. We need to find a taxi or a bus or a subway to go to our next place or meet our relatives or friends. 我们需要跟随标志和工作人员的指示。我们需要找到出口并且通过它。我们需要在他们要求的时候给他们看我们的票和我们的身份证或者护照。我们需要找到一辆出租车或者一辆公共汽车或者地铁,去我们的下一个地方或者见我们的亲戚或者朋友。
OK, I see. 好的,我明白了。
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