2024年4月3日上午第二节课,我与2206班全体学生们进行了关于选择性必修三五单元Understanding Idea部分阅读课的公开课展示。Learning from nature这一话题是现阶段人类必须面对且急需反思的问题。可以说,教材本身就非常贴近人们的日常生活,尤其大多数话题贴近学生生活,都是学生关注的热门话题,能在很大程度上调动学生的阅读欲望。
Leading-in教师活动:Share a video and think:教师带领学生观看杨丽萍舞蹈视频,回答
What does the dance try to tell us?
Nature gives us lots of inspiration.
Let’s promise: let’s Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
We believe that we can conquer every difficulty, and we can face the challenges . Just do it from now on ,from ourselves , from every little action!