
阅读 226


这次的Field Trip体系庞大,一路上所有的环节,从物品的准备,登机,拿行李,案件,上飞机,下飞机,入住酒店,美食餐饮,海洋,沙滩,,推荐阅读的分级,绘本等等,应有尽有,一应俱全

mammals : 哺乳动物  Mammals are animals such as humans, dogs, lions, and whales. In general, female mammals give birth to babies rather than laying eggs, and feed their young with milk.  Such as whale , walrus, dolphin ,they are all sea animals.
Fish : 鱼类 A fish is a creature that lives in water and has a tail and fins and gills  .Fish breathe through their gills that take in water where they extract oxygen (获取氧气). Such as shark , clownfish, seahorse . 
Reptiles : 爬行动物  any animal that has cold blood and skin covered inscales The scales of a fish or reptile are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover its body, reptile lays eggs. Snakes, crocodiles and tortoises are all reptiles . Such as snake, eel , turtle , they are sea creatures. 
Birds : 鸟类 a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. Most birds can fly.  But some birds can not fly , Such as penguin . Penguin can swim ,walk and dive.
Amphibians :  [æmˈfɪbiən]两栖动物  any animal that can live both on land and in water. Amphibians have cold blood and skin without scales . Such as  Frogs , toads and newts(蝾螈)are all amphibians . A newt is a small creature that has four legs and a long tail and they live in wet area. 
Newt 蝾螈
shellfish : 贝类 a creature with a shell, that lives in water, especially one of the types that can be eaten. Such as Clam, Oysters , crabs ,hermit crabs ,mussel  [ˈmʌsl] 贻贝、 Scallop [ˈskæləp]扇贝、带子  are all shellfish . 
科二有一本《Who Eats What?》, 用经典贴的来完成实物链游戏,画画时候也可以拓展食物链知识。
8. 出行准备整理行李
We're going on a trip tomorrow,we are going to the beach. We need to pack our luggage tonight.
Here's a luggage list and here is the suitcase.  We put them into the suitcase one by one according to the above contents.
The most important thing is to put them in order, without omission. 
We need to prepare ID card , clothing, beach tools, swimming equipment, skin care products, sunscreen, flip flops, sunglasses, beach caps, beach bags , toothbrush,Bath towel,water bottle, Charger充电器  ,camera and so on . 
Can you help me?  could you pass me the .... beach-bag/towel/bucket/spade(铲)/ball/sun cream/sunblock/sunscreen/straw hat /swimming costume/swimsuit/swimming hat/swimming goggles/waterproof blanket/sand proof blanket/waterproof phone pouch/beach tent/sun umbrella/sunglasses. 
9. 坐飞机
9.1 在机场
We are going on a domestic [dəˈmestɪk]  flight . Let me get your ID card ready我们要坐国内航班啦。我来把你的身份证准备好。
First, we need to pick up our boarding passes and check-in our luggage. 首先,我们需要取登机牌和托运行李。
9.2 找值机柜台
Do you know where our airline counter is?
Look for our flight number on the departure  [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] (出发) information screen  [skriːn] and it will show us which counters to go to. 你知道咱们航班的柜台在哪儿么?在大屏幕上找到咱们的航班号,那里会显示咱们应该去哪个柜台。
When we get to the counter, just tell the airline staff our names and give them our ID card. They will print our boarding passes and help us check-in our luggage. 到了柜台,直接告诉航空公司的工作人员我们的姓名并出示身份证。他们会帮我们打印登机牌和托运行李。
9.3 值机
Hello, where are you going ?
Can you show me your ID card ? 
Do you need to check-in your luggage ? 
I’d like to check in our luggage please. 
I am going to Sanya on holiday for five days. 
Wow ,Sanya has many islands and very beautiful, have a nice trip!
9.4 安检
Let’s take our ID card, boarding passes and carry-on luggage and go to security screening (安全检查) . 咱们拿好护照、登机牌和手提行李,去安检。
Let’s line up and wait for our turn. 咱们排队等一会。
Then we need to place our belongings and carry-on luggage in bins and have them scanned by the X-ray machine. 然后我们需要把随身物品和手提行李放到筐里,通过X光设备扫描。
Sir, Please stand on the steps. 
Strench your arms .  I need to scan you. 
If you have metal material , this metal detector will make a sound. Beep beep !
Let’s head to our boarding gate. 咱们去找登机口。
Check our boarding passes for the terminal and the gate number. 看看登机牌上的航站楼和登机口信息。
Follow the signs and we will be directed to the area. 跟着指示走,它会引导我们找到地方的。
Don't lose your boarding pass . It's very important. 
Let’s get our boarding passes and ID card ready. 咱们把登机牌和身份证准备好。
The flight attendants at the boarding gate will check them before they let us board the plane. 登机之前,入口旁的乘务员会再次检查。
9.6 word bank
board: 登上(火车、轮船或飞机)When you board a train, ship, or aircraft, you get on it in order to travel somewhere.
boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的飞机。
terminals:(车辆、乘客、货物的)集散地,起点站,终点站 A terminal is a place where vehicles, passengers, or goods begin or end ajourney.
Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport.正在制定在希思罗机场修建第 5 航站楼的计划。
9.7 在机上
Are you excited? We are finally on the plane. 你兴奋吗?终于坐飞机啦。
Let’s find our row number and seat... Here we are!找找咱们坐哪排、哪个座位…… 在这儿!
I will put our carry-on luggage in the overhead compartments(分隔间)我会把我们的手提行李放到头顶的行李架上。 
Let me stow [stəu] 妥善放置;把…收好 my handbag under the seat in front of us. 我把我的手包收在前排座位下面。
Stewardess, will you direct me to myseat? 空中小姐,可否带我到我的座位?
Let me get you settled in your seat, buckle up and fasten your seat belt. Don’t scream or move around. 我帮你找到座位坐好,系紧安全带。别嚷、别乱动。
The plane is climbing up.飞机正在爬升。
Do you feel uncomfortable in your ears ?
Try to swallow or yawn so that your ears won’t feel uncomfortable. 试着做吞咽或者打哈欠的动作,这样你就不会感觉耳朵不舒服了。
We are high up above the clouds now. 我们现在在高空云层中了。 
Look out the window. We are flying high in the sky! 看看窗外,我们在高高的天上飞呢!
The flight attendant /Stewardess will offer drinks and snacks soon. Just tell her what you want and she will serve it to you. 一会儿乘务员会提供饮料和零食。告诉她你想要什么,她就会给你端过来。
9.8 妈妈假装空姐
Sir,If you need help, press the button ahead. I'll serve to you .
Would you like juice or coffee ? 
Juice , please. 
What else would you like ? 
I want a strawberry ice cream .
Do you want to go to the toilet / bathrooms ? 
No. I don't want. 
Ok, the bathroom are on bothe sides of the aisle . Feel free to tell me if you need to use the bathroom, and I’ll go with you. 
The plane will be landing in half an hour and the washrooms will be closed soon. 还有半个小时飞机就要降落了,洗手间马上就要关闭了。
You’d better use it now if you need to. 如果你要去厕所最好现在就去。
The plane is descending. Remain seated with your seat belt fastened. Don’t move around.飞机正在下降。坐好,系紧安全带。别动来动去。
We are back on the ground. Don’t unbuckle your seat belt until the plane comes to a complete stop. 我们又回到地面上啦。飞机停稳之前别解开安全带。
I will take our luggage out of the overhead compartment (分隔间,隔层). 我会把我们的行李从行李架上取下来。
Let’s wait in line to get off the plane. Be patient and don’t push. 咱们排队下飞机。耐心点儿,别往前挤。
9.9 下飞机
9.10 取行李
We are now taking a shuttle bus to the arrival terminal. 现在咱们坐摆渡车去出站航站楼。
Before we can leave, we have to claim (认领)our checked-in luggage. 出站之前,咱们需要取回托运的行李。 
The luggage of our flight will be distributed at No. 8 luggage carousel [,kærə'sel] (机场的)行李传送带. 咱们的行李待会儿会从8号行李提取转盘出来。
Look at what’s on the carousel? Those are our suitcases. 你看传送带上是什么?是咱们的箱子。
I will take them off the carousel. Meanwhile, let’s find a cart to put them on. 我会把它们拿下来的。咱们现在去找个行李车来推它们。
We are ready. Sanya , here we come! 咱们现在可以出站了。
10.1 Arriving at the Hotel到达酒店
We'd like to check in.
The room is booked under the name Leo . 是用Leo 这个名字预订的。
10.2 比较一下book、reserve和order这三个词
▪ Order:订,适用于货物、餐饮等,通常立即付款或货到付款,一定时间后收到商品。
▪ Reserve:预留,适用于餐厅座位、酒店房间等,不一定需要付款。
▪ Book:预订,适用于航班、酒店,通常是需要提前付款的。
通常是需要提前付款的,Hotel Staff: Hi there, sure, let me just check the computer. 您好,没问题,我查一下电脑。(Hi there 通常是服务人员对顾客说的)
Yes, here is your reservation: a double room with a queen bed for 4 nights. 嗯,您预订的是4晚双人房。
(Double room指双人房,可能是两张,也可能是一张床。在美国,没有和中国的标准间、大床房完全对应的说法,而是通过指明床的数量和种类表达房型,如a double room with two full beds,或者a double room with a queen bed。)
Welcome to our hotel, Leo.
I will just need a credit card for the deposit.麻烦您给我一下信用卡,刷一下押金。
No charges will be put onto the card until you check out.您退房之前信用卡不会产生费用。
We just need an authorization.我们就是刷一下预授权。
Mom: Okay, here is my credit card.
Also, I would like to check that there is a crib in the room.另外我想问一下,我们的房间有婴儿床,对吧?
Hotel Staff: I see you have requested one so I will have one sent up right away.我看到您要了一个,那我现在就给您送上去。
Mom: Thank you. What time is breakfast served? 早餐什么时间有?
Hotel Staff: We serve breakfast from 6am to 10am in the hotel restaurant on the ground floor.早餐是上午6点到10点,在一层的酒店餐厅。(美式英语里,ground floor和first floor通常意思是一样的,都指一层。) 
If you would like room service instead you can fill out the form in your room and leave it outside your door. 如果想通过客房服务订餐,可以填写房里的表格,然后放在您的门外。
Mom: Do you have a children's menu? 你们有儿童菜单吗?
Hotel Staff: Yes, we offer a children's menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 酒店员工:是的,我们早中晚饭都有儿童菜单。
You just need to ask your server for it when you sit down at your table. 您坐下来点菜的时候找服务员要一下就可以了。(Server在这里指waiter或者waitress。)
Here are your room keys.  这是您的房卡。(Room key不一定是钥匙,也可以是卡片。房卡叫room card也可以,但room key更常用。)
You are in room 310.
Just take the elevator up to the third floor and follow the signs.您坐电梯到三层,然后看一下指示牌。
Do you need help with your luggage? 需要帮您拿行李吗?
Yes, please I will need help with the luggage.嗯,麻烦帮我拿一下行李。( Luggage trolley 行李车)
Hotel Staff: Have a great stay and let us know if you need anything. 祝您入住愉快,有什么需要就告诉我们。
Mom: I have one more question.  Is there a kettle in the room? 房间里有电水壶吗?
I need one to make bottles for the baby. 我需要给宝宝冲奶粉。
Hotel Staff: Yes, there is a kettle and coffee maker with complimentary [ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri]  tea and coffee as well.是的,有电水壶、咖啡壶,还有免费的茶和咖啡。(看到complimentary这个词就可以放心用了,它的意思是免费赠送的。)
There is also a mini bar with drinks and snacks.还有一个迷你吧,里面有饮料和零食。
The price list for those items are on top of it. 价目表在商品上面。
Mom: Great, thank you very much.
10.3 Arriving in the room进入房间
Mom: Hello, could I have an extra pillow and blankets sent up 送上去了 to room 302 please?  你好,能给302房间加一个枕头和一床被子吗?
Hotel Staff: Of course, I will have them sent up right away.酒店员工:没问题,现在就给您送上去。
Could you also send someone up to look at the heater? 您能再派人上来看看暖气吗?
It seems very cold in the room.  房间里好像特别冷。
Hotel Staff: No problem, they will be up as soon as they can. 酒店员工:没问题,他们会尽快过来。
10.4 Checking out 退房
I need to check out please. Room 310.
Sure, would you like to use the credit card you gave me when you checked in to pay? 没问题,您是用办理入住时候给我的信用卡付款吗?
Okay, you are all checked out.
Is there anything else I can help you with today? 还有什么我能帮您的吗?
Mom: Yes, our flight doesn't leave until tonight.妈妈:嗯,我们的航班是今天晚上的。
Could we leave our luggage with you while we're out today?我们今天出去的时候,能在您这儿存一下行李吗?
10.5 存行李,亦可用以下表达
(1) Could you hold our luggage?
(2) Could we check in our luggage here? 
(3) Could we store our luggage here?
Hotel Staff: Yes, of course you can.
Let me put some tags 标签 on them for you and we will put them behind the desk . 我给您在行李上挂上牌儿,然后把它们放柜台后面。
Here is a tag for you to give to a member of our staff when you return and they will get your luggage for you.这个牌儿您回来的时候给我们的工作人员,他们会给您行李。(亦可用staff member )
Great, thank you very much. We had a lovely stay here.
11. 餐饮美食
11.1 Seafood
Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans. 
Seafood mainly includes fish and shellfish. Shellfish include various species of molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms.
11.2 Word bank
molluscs:[ˈmɒləsks] 软体动物 A mollusc is an animal such as a Oyster牡蛎,cuttlefish乌贼,snail, clam, or octopus which has a soft body. Manytypes of mollusc have hard shells to protect them. 
crustacean :[krʌˈsteɪʃn] 甲壳纲动物(如螃蟹、龙虾和褐虾) A crustacean is an animal with a hard shell and several pairs of legs, which usually lives in water. Crabs, lobsters, shrimps and prawns are crustaceans.
echinoderm:棘皮动物 Class of echinoderms including the sea cucumbers. 海参 
11.3 Dialogue
•         There’s an excellent seafood restaurant near here.
•         Shrimps are a popular type of seafood.
•         Mussels are a kind of shellfish that you can eat from their shells.
•         Clam is a shellfish that can be eaten. It has a shell in two parts that can open and close.
•         I had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them. 我吃了两打牡蛎,每一只都吃得津津有味。
•         Seafood kebabs [kəˈbæbz]  is small pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a wooden or metal stick . 
•         How about seafood with fried noodles and vegetables?
•         seafood buffet 海鲜自助 
•         steamed fish 清蒸鱼
•         Boiled ( 大火煮) shrimps 白灼虾, Dip in a little soy sauce . 蘸点酱油
•         Poached (小火煮)River Shrimp, Poached Crab Claw, Sea Scallop [ˈskæləp] and Clam. 水煮河虾,水煮蟹爪,扇贝和蛤蜊 。Poach:水煮,炖,煨 (尤指鱼) poached salmon 清炖鲑鱼
•         Sliced boiled chicken 白切鸡
•         Poached seasonal vegetables 白灼时令蔬菜
•         Food there is basically cooked, like a tasty yellow croaker soup, fried shrimps on a stick, grilled squid and so on. 那儿的食物基本上都是烧熟的,如美味的黄鱼汤,油炸虾串和碳烤鱿鱼等等。
•         Pan-fried cod fillet 煎鳕鱼片
•         saute  [sɔˈteɪ] sea cucumber with scallion [ˈskæliən]  葱爆海参
•         Deep -fried meatballs / squid ring 炸肉丸子/鱿鱼圈
•         Stir-fried  rice noodles with beef 干炒牛肉河粉 
•         Stew [stuː] beef with tomatos 番茄炖牛肉 
•         braise [breɪz]炖 pork in soy sause 红烧肉 
•         Roast duck 烤鸭 
•         Baked potatoes 烤土豆 
•         Baked ham with honey glaze 蜜汁靠火腿
•         Barbecued chicken 烤鸡 
•         Pickle sweet garlic 糖蒜 
•         Pickled cucumber 腌黄瓜 
•         Dried sausages 风干腊肠
11.5 Topical Fruits
•         What is this? 
•         How does __ taste  ? It tasts good . 
•         Do you like __ ?
•         Let's play the Riddle Game . 
11.6 Touch the fruits' skin  and  Taste the fruits
Q:  It is a little bit soft and not smooth. 表皮有点软不太光滑  , I see a lot of black seeds after peeling, and it tastes juicy. 剥去果皮以后我看到很多黑色的籽儿,果肉很多汁。Do you know , what fruit is it ?
A:It is Pitaya , Pitaya is a large red fruit with green tentacles on its skin. 火龙果是一种大型红色的水果,表皮上还有绿色的触角。
Q:It is rough and very hard. 表皮粗糙,而且硬 , It tastes oily and not sweet. 吃起来不甜,很滑 很油, Do you know , what fruit is it ?
A:   It is Avocado , a tropical fruit with hard, dark green skin, soft, light green flesh and a large seed inside. Avocados are not sweet and are sometimes eaten at the beginning of a meal. 鳄梨是一种热带水果,果皮坚硬,深绿色,果肉柔软,浅绿色,内有大种子。鳄梨不甜,有时在饭前吃。
Q:   The fruit is covered by something, feel like lots of soft pricks. 水果的表皮包着软刺一样的东西 。The flesh is white with a big pit. 果肉是白色的,中间有颗大果核。Do you know , what fruit is it ?
A:   It is Rambutan 红毛丹,a red tropical fruit with soft pointed parts on its skin and a slightly sour taste . 一种红色的热带水果,皮上有软而尖的部分,味微酸。
Q:  The fruit is so big, and its skin is hard and rather pricky. 这水果好大,它的表皮很硬很扎手。It smells bad ,but tastes so delicious. I can’t stop eating!闻起来有点臭,但是 吃起来非常好吃,很上瘾. Do you know , what fruit is it ?
A:It is durian , a large tropical fruit with a strong unpleasant smell but a sweet flavour .  这是榴莲,一种热带水果,有强烈的难闻气味,但味道很甜 。
11.7 Tropical Drinking
11.8 Order dishes 点菜
【Arriving at the restaurant 到达餐厅 】
Have a seat please.
Here is the menu/ May I have a look at the menu/wine list?  (Can I have the menu please)
Yes of course. 
What would you like to eat?
I don't know. Perhaps some fish and vegetables.
What's the specialty[ˈspeʃəltɪ]  of this restaurant? 
Would you like to hear today's special?
I would like to introduce our Fish and mashroom pie . It's very fresh.
Are you ready to order? 
I'd like something spicy/ sweet/ bitter/ salty/
What do you recommend?
The seafood platter 海鲜拼盘 sounds good to me.  
What main course do you prefer?
Any dessert?
What beverages do you like? Something to drink?
I'm full. I can't eat any more. Bill, please.  
Keep the change.
Can I use my credit card? 
Sure. Go ahead.
I'm sorry we accept only cash/ Can I use WeChat pay?
Here's your change/receipt.
Thanks for your good service.
Thank you. You're welcome.
11.9 几个小提示
如果没特别指明要bottled water-瓶装水,服务员会给你上tap water / table water,免费的自来水。
Staff: I will get your drinks and will take your food order when I come back .稍后给您上饮料,.然后回来为您点餐。
Mom: Sweetie, what would you like for lunch? 
Let's see what they have.
There is pasta with cheese or tomato sauce, sausage and mashed potatoes or fish and fries?有意大利面,可以配奶酪或者番茄酱,香肠,土豆泥,还是鱼和薯条?
Tomato sauce和ketchup都翻译成番茄酱,但是有区别,前者用于比较高端的餐饮,除了酱,里面还有西红柿块和一些香料,而且是新鲜制作的,用于意大利面等;后者就是酱。
Child: Cheesy pasta please! 奶酪意大利面!
Staff: Hello, can I take your order now? 您好,现在可以为您点餐了吗?
Mom: Yes, can I ask a couple of questions first?  好,我可以先问一些问题吗?
With the children's meals, do they come with a healthy option?儿童套餐里有没有比较健康的菜品可以选?
Maybe a side of vegetables?比如蔬菜作为配菜?
Staff: Yes, each meal comes with a little bowl of cucumber and carrot sticks . 有的,每个套餐都会搭配一碗黄瓜和胡萝卜条,some of the meals come with peas. 有的套餐搭配的是豌豆。
Mom: Great! She will have the cheesy pasta with peas, please. 好!她要奶酪意大利面,配豌豆。
I will have the chicken salad and my husband will have the beef burger.我爱人要牛肉汉堡
Could we also have a little side plate,我们再要一个小盘子,as we will be sharing the fries? Thank you.这样我们可以把薯条分着吃。谢谢你。
Staff: Great, I will bring it all out as soon as it is ready.好的,做好我就端出来。
12. Set the table
12.1 Dinner plate
Place the big plate in the middle, directly in front of you.
12.2 Bread plate and drinking cup
Place 2 items beside the plate.
The left hand looks like a lower case b. Bread plate starts with a 'b' so it will be placed to the top left of the dinner plate.
The right hand looks like a lower case d. Drinking cup starts with a 'd' s it will be placed to the top right of the dinner plate.
12.3 Napkin
The napkin will be l ocated in 3 different places.
Before the meal is served the clean napkin can be placed on top or to the right of the dinner plate.
During the meal the napkin should be placed neatly on your lap.
After the meal the napkin should be folded and placed to the left of your dinner plate.
12.4 Fork
Place the fork on the left side of the dinner plate.
12.5 Spoon and knife
Place the spoon and knife on the right side of the dinner plate.
13. Table manners
We should wash hands properly before eating .
We can not play toys or fooling around at table .
We should put the napkin in our laps.
We should stay at the table until finished.
We should chew the food with our mouth closed.
We can not talk with food in our mouth .
We can not say potty mouth at the table .
If you want to burp , you should use your hand to cover your mouth , and say excuse me .
Don’t slurp food or drinks .
When you finished, wipe your mouth with the napkin.
You should clean the spot at the table .
If you need someone to give you something to eat, you should to say please  , and say Thank you . 
Good table manners are very important for everyone.
14. 自助餐
14.1 基础词汇
help oneself 自取
14.2 对话范文
Good morning, sir. A table for two?
That’s right.
I’ll show you to your table. This way, please. Please take a seat. Which would you prefer, tea or coffee
Coffee, please.
Two coffees?
Certainly, sir. Will there be anything else. 好的,先生。还要不要别的?
No, that’s all, thank you .
We have both buffet-style and à la carte dishes. Which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式。您喜欢哪一种?
Pleases sit where you like.请随便坐。
The buffet is over there. Please help yourself. 自助餐在那边,请自己动手。
The fresh milk is over there beside the juice machine.鲜奶在那儿,就在果汁机旁边。
Could you pay after your meal, sir?先生,请用餐后再付钱好吗?
Let's go to the restaurant and reserve a table for tonight's buffet 预定自助餐位子 
14.3 拓展补充
We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式。您喜欢哪一种?(buffet-style 是由客人从放置各式各样食物的自助餐桌上,自己动手拿盘,挑选自己所喜爱的东西,而后端至餐桌上食用的方式。)
A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room.餐厅里已经摆好了自助冷食。
I'll eat too much if I have the buffet.如果吃自助餐,我怕我会吃多了。
What would you like? I am hungry I had like buffet.您想用点什么?我饿了,我想自助餐。
Let's go to a hotel restaurant to have a seafood buffet supper today.
Do you prefer regular menu or buffet?  你喜欢点菜或是自助餐? 
Do you want to have some dessert? 
Which one do you want? Fruits ,cake or ice-cream ?
Please help yourself . 
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