焦作四中教务处 2024年1月18日 高一英语老师王丽丽在录播教室展示了一节6+1深入课“The Superhero Behind Superman”.王老师对这篇经典励志文本深入剖析,放手让学生动起来。分组画出克里斯弗·瑞夫人生五个阶段的思维导图。学生参与“字体·内容·风格”三方面打分。又让学生小诗一首,表达对主人公的敬佩。听课的英语教研组老师为之一震,吕校长、常主任也感到长垣一中学习回来,经典6+1授课深入,立竿见影。
导(Lead-in) 王丽丽老师以超人英俊的影视图片到轮椅上的扮演者克里斯托弗-瑞夫图片对比导入教学目标 。Teaching objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you are able to:
1. Summarize and retell the life expe-
rience of Christopher Reeve, an American actor who plays Superman
2. Use empathy to infer the mood of the protagonist (主人公)at different
stages of life
3. Based on the hero’s self-saving
journey to analyze his excellent quali-
4. Write a poem that reflects and understands Christopher Reeve’s experience and qualities。
直接醒目。又以问题“1.What does the picture tell us ?2.Let's guess what happened to him.导入下一环节。
思(Reading & Thinking ) 王丽丽老师设置思考任务,梯度跟进:
What’s your understanding of the title “ The Superhero Behind Superman”?
The title insinuates that Christopher Reeve is a Superhero, not just in the movie but in everyday life. He showed extraordinary courage when faced with being paralysed for life. Even though he lived in pain, he devoted his life to worthy causes and charity and inspired many lives for the better.
Step two:(Task 1) Read again and draw a mind map on Christopher Reeve’s life story based on the following questions.
1. How many stages can you divide his life into?What are they?
2. What does each stage talk about?
3. What incidents does each stage include?
议与展 (Discussion & Presentation)
Step three:Different stages of his life
Stage I .Reeve’s life before he became a star
Stage II . Becoming the star in Superman films
Stage III . The accident
Stage IV. Right after the accident
Stage5 Becoming a superhero in real life.
展 (Presentation) 王丽丽鼓励学生积极参与,轻松驾驭课堂,找出类似答案:
Stage I:Reeve’s life before he became a star.1.born on 25 Dec. 1952 in New York.2.found passion in acting and starred in a school play at the age of 8.3.tried out for and given the lead role in a Superman film.
Feelings passionate and expectant
Stage II: 1.starred in four Superman films from 1978 to 1987.
2.gained reputation for raising awareness for good causes.
3.visited sick children, worked with organization such as Save the Children
4.speaking out about health, education and child protection.
Feelings successful and popular
confident and hopeful
Stage III: 1.disaster struck Reeve in
1995.2.thrown off his horse and broke his neck.3.his injuries was so severe that he had no movement or feeling his body needed a machine to help him breathe.
Feelings shocked
Stage IV:1.felt like he lost hope.2.was like a living nightmare.3.wished he was dead and even thought of ending his life. 4.fell into depression
Feelings hopeless.
Stage V: Becoming a superhero in real life
1.found the will to live again
2.undertook an intense exercise programme
3.managed to return to his film career and charity
4.wrote a biography
5.became a passionate and energetic advocate
6.passed away on 10 October, 2004
Feelings: determined and hopeful;
energetic and positive;
confident and satisfied.
评(Evaluation)王丽丽深挖教材,归纳出阅读文章,需要与作者生成共鸣,产出感情即Empathy(共情),这对续写很关键。Empathy means we try to put ourselves in others’ shoes and be aware of and sensitive to their feelings. We try to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives.
How to build up your EMPATHY with the characters?
passionate, expectant, confident, hopeful,shocked,hopeless, scared, horrified, desperate,hopeful, energetic, confident, satisfied.
检(Examination) 王丽丽老师设置问题检测学生对文章的理解,即兴让学生以模板编诗,布置写作作业。
Q: What inspirations do you get from Christopher Reeve?
(1) Never give up no matter how bad
the situation is.
(2) Have a sense of obligation, including the obligation to family, the obligation to society, etc.
(3)You don’t need to be a superman to help others. Everybody can help o-thers with the kindness inside you.
检:Poem Builder
Handsome, brave, optimistic
He is my hero.
Survival, struggle, devotion.
He is busy living a second life.
The superhero behind Superman.
Step six: Homework
What inspiration do you get from Christopher Reeve?
Write a short article about 80 words to share your ideas.
评课(Assessment) 教务主任常淘气主持评课。王丽丽老师讲述本节课的设计。杨琪、姬芳芳、黄水平都看好本节课的思维导图的分组绘制与评价上。杨玲、王莎莎、赵阳阳认可王老师对文本的研读与挖掘,又对语言输出部分的小诗创作上迈出可喜的一步,对韵脚的设定有了体验。校长吕扬关心导学案的编写与大家评课的步调一致,说明大家集备过关。